Founders Token Holders
In October 2021, we sold a limited supply of Founders Tokens to initial backers of the Million on Mars game. They were offered a package of rewards weekly for a year following launch -- they will continue to receive a weekly founders airdrop on the WAX blockchain through November 26, 2022.
Our Founders have been incredibly valuable to the mission of Million on Mars. These token holders are leaders of their own crypto projects, podcasts, guilds, Discord communities, and other entities. They are our most dedicated players and they are the largest investors in the Million on Mars metaverse game economy. They represent some of the most hardcore and ambitious crypto games.
We're honored to have them in the community, and we're thrilled to be able to offer additional rewards for Founders Token holders, as we expand to the Solana blockchain!
NEW PERK - Up to 5200 Glitter Tokens!
Additional Benefit to the Founders Token holders! Starting on the Friday following the first day Glitter is available on a DEX (i.e. "Day 0," exact date still to be determined), every week we will award 100 GLTR in-game to each active player account with an associated WAX Cloud Wallet or Anchor Wallet that holds a Founders Token. That player account will be awarded 100 GLTR for each Founder Token that it holds in the single associated wallet.
Founders Tokens that are not associated with an active player account at the time of the weekly Friday drop will not receive GLTR. There will be no retroactive awards. Determination of valid player accounts and valid associated Founders Tokens will be at the sole discretion of Million on Mars.
The weekly Glitter award will continue for 52 weeks from Day 0, for a maximum total award per Founder Token of 5200 GLTR! These Glitter tokens will be withdrawn from our Player to Earn and Marketing allocation of the Tokenomics. The tokens will be delivered in-game as virtual GLTR. This allows the player to use the Glitter tokens in-game or to choose to Withdraw them to your Phantom (Solana) wallet.
NEW PERK - Reduced Glitter Withdrawal Fees For One Year, only for Founders Token holders
The standard fee for Withdrawal of our Glitter token from the virtual economy to the players' Phantom (Solana) wallet is 5%. For 52 weeks following Day 0, and for each Founder Token the player possesses at the time of Withdrawal, we will reduce the fee by 1%, to a floor of 0%. Therefore, a player who owns 1 Founders Token will enjoy a 4% withdraw fee, and a player with 5 or more Founders Tokens will enjoy 0% tax on their withdrawal of Glitter, for one year after Glitter launches! 0 Founders Token = 5% 1 Founders Token = 4% 2 Founders Tokens = 3% 3 Founders Tokens = 2% 4 Founders Tokens = 1% 5+ Founders Tokens = 0%
Notwithstanding the above, the player will only be able to withdraw Glitter at whatever is their appropriate withdrawal fee tier if they meet all the requirements for being able to withdraw Glitter, as may be described in the Company's Terms of Service, and in the Player Guide, from time to time.
Last updated